Pupil Premium - Supporting Attainment For Disadvantaged Pupils
Effective leadership is critical for closing the gap for disadvantaged pupils and effective use of pupil premium funding. I can provide pupil premium training, 1:1 support for leaders, and whole school advice. You can add in other activities such as pupil premium reviews. Tap into expertise to help you develop your pupil premium strategy. I can help you ensure actions are evidence based. Leverage the research to help tackle stubborn issues and raise attainment for disadvantaged pupils.
1. Support for the pupil premium leader. One option for pupil premium leadership training, ideal for new leaders or experienced leaders dedicated to closing the gap for disadvantaged pupils, is a year-long, comprehensive program to develop expertise in this critical area. This is four days spread out across the year + online study between sessions. Work with leaders from other schools by accessing a central course. Delivered in small groups, leaders have the opportunity to engage in professional discussion with peers as well as receive guidance and training on best practices and research.
2. More intensive pupil premium support options. Tailor your approach with a bespoke pupil premium training package. These include specialised coaching and support for pupil premium leadership, designed to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils effectively. Purchase a number of consultancy days and divide this into sessions (90 min, 2-hour, half-day, full-day) of coaching, advice, training and support for the pupil premium leader and for other colleagues in school. Working one-to-one with colleagues or in small groups via zoom enables there to be in-depth conversations throughout the year. Add in other activities as needed, such as pupil premium reviews which can be conducted on site.
3. Classroom focus: Instructional coaching through the lens of pupil premium. Our classroom focus includes instructional coaching specifically tailored to closing the gap for disadvantaged pupils. Leaders are provided with a fantastic toolkit that enables them to work effectively with year-group teams and individual teachers to consider effective practice for this vulnerable group. Leaders will feel confident to act in a coaching capacity to raise standards.

Pupil premium strategy: My approach to pupil premium training advocates a layered strategy which ensures there is a comprehensive blueprint to improving outcomes of disadvantaged pupils. With a package of comprehensive support, aimed at strengthen each layer, you can reinforcing your efforts in closing the gap for disadvantaged pupils. With years of professional experience focused on researching and supporting the implementation of best practices for enhancing outcomes for disadvantaged pupils, I am can help you overcome obstacles and unlock the full potential of your pupils.
“Enabling disadvantaged pupils to thrive and be successful in education is complex. There is no simple fix or overnight solution. Instead, schools must be brave enough to invest time in developing a multi-layered approach. Only a system where everyone sees themselves as part of the solution will manage to close progress and attainment gaps. We have amassed a great deal of knowledge in the education sector about what works for disadvantaged pupils, but implementing the research is not straight forward, nor quick to achieve.”
Leaders can join a live course designed to support leaders in closing the gap for disadvantaged pupils and maximising the impact of pupil premium funding, or schools can create their own bespoke programme of support.
Effective leadership of pupil premium strategy
Vicky can provide training, professional dialogue and coaching for your Pupil Premium leader to ensure they become experts in this critical element of education.
Pupil premium review
Vicky can undertake a series of remote and on-site activities to help you review current practice and pinpoint areas for development.
classroom practice
Vicky can work with leaders and teachers to develop knowledge of classroom practice that is effective for disadvantaged pupils.
Vicky can work with your EYFS leader on developing vocabulary, improving communication and language, and promoting quality sustained play which are important for this vulnerable group.
Interventions for disadvantaged pupils
Vicky can work with the SENCO and phase leaders on reviewing the current interventions aimed at disadvantaged pupils.
Vicky can provide you with support aimed at removing and reducing barriers to academic achievement, particularly in relation to reading and writing.
Vicky can work with subject leaders and teachers to ensure that curriculum intent and implementation leads to high impact for disadvantaged pupils.
Vicky can work with you on special projects that need a whole school approach, e.g. growth mindsets, metacognition, developing oracy.
Evaluations from previous pupil premium courses:
“The whole course was outstanding.”
“A good mixture of activities, reflection, theory and time to develop plans.”
“Thank you for all the support Vicky! All day you have been extremely knowledgeable in answering all my questions.”
“A brilliant course. Lots of ideas and resources to use back in school. Very thought provoking. Thank you Vicky!”
“Excellent resources and information that can/will impact on performance at school and achievement of pupil premium funded children.”
“A fantastic course.”