EYFS Language and Vocabulary CPD
This CPD course is for EYFS colleagues. It focuses on the systematic development of language and vocabulary linked to areas of provision. This should improve pupil-to-pupil interactions and lead to more sustained, higher quality play. As an EYFS leader, closing the communication and vocabulary gap for disadvantaged pupils is critical. This training can better equip colleagues to ensure pupil premium children thrive.

The course is intended to impact on 5 key strands:
pupils' vocabulary development,
pupils' phrases and sentences,
pupils' interactions,
pupils' background knowledge and
pupils' quality of play.
The EYFS leader can evaluate the impact of training against progress in these five strands.
The leader can use the training materials with their team, or colleagues can complete the training self-paced.
By completing the course, colleagues will:
understand the critical importance of vocabulary, sentences and phrases for engaging in high-quality play in provision and know a range of strategies and approaches that they can use to boost the language of target pupils.
create effective plans (individually or make effective contributions to team plans) , e.g. be able to identify the vocabulary, sentences and phrases that are critical for playing in different areas of provision in your school.
ensure topic learning and areas of provision are interlinked, e.g. how to play alongside pupils in a way that will link topics to provision, increased ideas about how pupils can play in provision, improved modelling of topic language.
have increased confidence and skill in modelling vocabulary, sentences and phrases in provision.
be able to plan and deliver small group and 1:1 activities that will increase the impact of play in provision for target pupils.
utilise books, pictures and physical objects at whole class, small group and 1:1 level to boost knowledge, vocabulary and language linked to play.
By the end of the course, practitioners will have gained substantial knowledge that help to achieve improvements in vocabulary, language and play, particularly for pupils with low communication skills or who struggle to engage in sustained play.

The video tutorials can be watched individually or together as a team. They can be paused in order to discuss points. There are accompanying resources to aid discussion. Ideally, the EYFS leader completes the course first so they can then guide colleagues in CPD sessions and facilitate thinking, planning, and professional dialogue.

Case studies: Vet's role play; cars and transport; home corner; small and large construction; utilising instruction texts; animal homes. The case studies can support colleagues with activities, utilising books and development of provision in these areas. By using these areas of provision as a medium for discussion and skill development, colleagues will be able to apply the principles to any area of provision.

The course provides step-by-step guidance on how to develop language, vocabulary and sustained play. It offer advice about how to build adult language and vocabulary so that everyone is well placed to boost pupil progress. The course helps adults understand the importance different types of vocabulary on play development.

This mini course is packed full of ideas that will help all adults in maximising the impact of provision.

The course emphasises the link between knowledge and provision. Books play a central role in building knowledge that can then be utilised in provision.