Online Reading CPD
I am delighted to be able to offer you an amazing reading comprehension online CPD course that allows you and colleagues to study self-paced. It is a fantastic, flexible course that is packed full of resources. We recommend completing the first units sequentially, and then dip in and out of modules to fit with your training and development needs.
In addition to the self-paced online course, there is still time to sign up for our live programme (starts Monday 30th September 2024) which provides training via zoom for colleagues who wish to be experts in leading and teaching reading comprehension. Participants have free access to the self-study site. The programme consists of 1 full day and five afternoon sessions 2-4pm across the year.
Training for you or the whole school : self-paced option
This is a superb and extensive online reading CPD programme that enables colleagues to study reading comprehension to to a depth that gives them the confidence, skills and knowledge to deliver excellent outcomes for pupils. Being modular in design, teachers can personalise their professional studies. Colleagues can work individually or in small groups. Designed to be completed over a year, purchasing this course gives you continuous access to videos tutorials, think pieces, advice booklets, classroom resources, audits and checklists, and planning materials.
The course offers the opportunity for teachers to:
Develop an understanding of how pupils acquire reading comprehension skills and grow into proficient readers.
Build knowledge of the Big 10 reading comprehension strategies;
Study in-depth the challenges of specific skills, such as developing inference;
Learn how to diagnose and address reading comprehension difficulties;
Gain insights into reading SATs through the analysis of past papers, unpicking test structures and reviewing national outcomes;
Maximise the impact of non-fiction texts across the curriculum;
Harness the power of books for enhancing play and developing vocabulary in EYFS;
Understand progression and use assessment for learning to ensure pupils make continuous improvement;
Create excellence in reading across a wide range of measures.
If you want to ensure that every child is a thriving and successful reader, this course is for you. If you have a deep desire for the power of books to be felt in every classroom, this is the course for you. If you want to build your knowledge and expertise so that you can create school wide excellence in reading comprehension, this course is for you.
Learning to read is complex. This course enables teachers to understand the variables and factors which impact on progress.
This course provides both the theory and practical resources needed to teach reading comprehension effectively. From early career teachers to experienced teachers, there are extensive gains to be made by completing this reading CPD programme.
Whole school and phase specific resources and advice enables everyone to benefit from this course.
SEND leaders completing this course will be better placed to support parents, teachers and TAs in securing progress for pupils.
Pupil premium leaders completing this course will be better placed to close the gap for disadvantaged pupils in their school.
The modular, flexible nature of the course means that you can study at a depth and breadth that is right for you and your current role.
There is no time limit on accessing the course, so you can keep coming back to tutorials and supporting resources.
The course can be an individual pursuit, working through the materials independently and at a pace that suits you.
The course can be completed by a group of colleagues which provides the additional opportunity to engage in professional discussion and work collaboratively on developing practice.
The course is also an ideal accompaniment to instructional coaching. If you have identified reading comprehension as a focus for development, this is a great resources to help you improve specific aspects of your practice. There are reflective questions, audits and checklists, think pieces, advice and guidance that you can use with your coach.
There is a great mix of THEORY - to deepen knowledge and increase your ability to make professional decisions about the development of reading. And PRACTICAL - to help you implement the theory and create fantastic reading comprehension lessons.
“I have bopped around school all day beaming, at the outstanding reading teaching I have seen and the progress some of our most vulnerable learners were making both long term and in front of my eyes.”
“Excellent ideas for stimulating reading. Superb tips and techniques for teaching inference / asking questions / inspiring.”

By completing this course you will be knowledgeable about the problems pupils encounter when reading and confident to resolve issues.

Video tutorials to help share theory and develop practice. Train in pairs, train in phases, train individually - the choice is yours. There are videos of varying length throughout the course. The mix of think pieces, video tutorials and practical resources has received very positive feedback.
“I feel totally inspired and determined to improve reading.”
“Wow! Superb – brilliant ideas that I can use straight away in class. So many new resources which I know will engage the children.”
“Everything! It has given me a real boost to think more about how reading is taught and what the children need. Thank you for all the brilliant resources.”
It is hard for teachers and leaders in school to have the time to read reams of research reports and investigate good practice. Instead, let me share my expertise, experience and knowledge with you. Let me help you to harness the research and build excellent practice.

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Throughout the course is the theory and research that enables teachers to be experts and the practical advice to harness this in the classroom. Designed to be completed over a year, teachers are advised to complete introductory units and then dip in and out of the course, focusing their efforts on deepening their knowledge and applying practice for specific modules.
Decoding V comprehension;
Introduction to the Big 10 reading comprehension strategies;
How the Big 10 can be applied to any type of book and used in any phase;
Advice on how to plan using the Big 10;
Examples of planning;
Advice on planning for pupils who experience difficulties;
Methods of developing the Big 10;
Using approaches such as 'think alouds' effectively;
Supporting pupils to articulate their thinking when reading;
A section on each of the Big 10 - Study each to varying depths - Theory, research, progression, difficulties, practical tips and advice are provided for each element. Dig into each to build expertise.
Retrieve & Summarise
Strategies for whole class reading sessions;
Linking reading and writing;
Difficulties pupils experience when reading and how to tackle these;
Exploring non-fiction texts;
Boosting vocabulary;
Text selection;
Supporting leadership.
Why choose this course?
Depth: This is an extensive course which will enable you to become an expert in teaching reading comprehension.
Problem solving: This course will help you to diagnose and solve problems that are holding back pupil progress.
Flexibility: The modular design allows you to study at a depth and breadth to suit your role.
All year groups: Suitable for colleagues in EYFS through to Year 6 enabling colleagues to study together or individually.
Breadth: Looks at a range of topics, including nonfiction and word reading.
Range of resources: Video tutorials, audits & checklists, workbooks, printables, think pieces, classroom resources, leadership tools - all at your finger tips.
Research & good practice: Based on a firm foundation of research, colleagues can be reassured that the training will have impact.
Email sales@ictwand.com or use the form below to express an interest.

Workbooks are provided to help you get the most from the course. Develop background knowledge and increase your expertise in the challenges of teaching reading comprehension.
EEF Reading comprehension research found that improving reading comprehension strategies are high impact on average (+6 months). The course covers the theory needed to ensure all your pupils become excellent readers, able to comprehend challenging texts.

Displays, bookmarks, classroom activities - a range of printable resources. A powerful framework. I know a number of schools use VIPERS - this framework goes beyond this to include elements linked to METACOGNITION. It is important that as pupils progress through KS2 they can become more independent readers and are able to assess their own success / next steps for development. The extra elements help boost performance of reading comprehension in the short and long term. It incorporates the best elements from research.

There is something for everyone - in every key stage!

Materials to support booktalk. Help all learners become confident in text discussions with sentence stems, activity ideas, supporting resources, scaffolding.

A range of planning sheets to help you implement each section of the course.

Stacks of reading comprehension worksheets, lesson ideas and activities.

There are just too many resources to show them all here!

“Wow! Brilliant ideas that I can use straight away in class.”
“The balance of classroom examples, instructions and research documents makes the course interesting and kept my attention.”
“It has given me a real boost to think more about how reading is taught and what the children need. Thank you.”
It is anticipated that colleagues will use the course to study independently and in small groups across an academic year. Colleagues can dip in and out of the course at any time, e.g. return to particular modules, access classroom resources. - There is no need to renew each year - it is a onetime payment.
Pricing structure (+ VAT)
Individual user = £300
Small group account - up to 8 users in the same school = £600

Pricing structure (+ VAT)
Individual user = £300
* Special offer : Small group account - up to 8 users in the same school = £600
Do you need more than 8 users? Buy a small school subscription and then add on additional users at £40 per user.
For example:
20 teachers / TAs = £600 (first 8 colleagues) + £40 next 12 colleagues = £1080
30 teachers / TAs = £600 (first 8 colleagues) + £40 next 22 colleagues = £1480
Do you need more than 40 colleagues to have access to the training? Get in touch for a quote.
Not sure which pricing structure is right for you? We are happy to provide a quote.